Subj : Amateur Radio Newsline (C To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Fri Feb 21 2020 06:02 am PHOENIX CUBESAT NEEDS HAMS TO TRACK ITS PATH STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Meanwhile, members of the Phoenix CubeSat team in Arizona, are asking hams to be listening on 437.35 MHz, following their satellite's successful deployment from the ISS on Wednesday, February 19. Project manager Sarah Rogers, KI700Y (pronounced: Kay Eye Seven Oh Oh Why) asks that amateurs help track the spacecraft, which is the school's first student-led CubeSat in space. You'll find a link on how to decode packets - and other details - in the printed version of this week's newscast on our website, [for print only, do not read:] (SARAH ROGERS KI7OOY) ** BREAK HERE: Time for you to identify your station. We are the Amateur Radio Newsline, heard on bulletin stations around the world, including the K5DUR repeater, in Rowlett, Texas, on Sundays at 7 p.m. local time. ** SILENT KEY: GERALD KLATZKO ZS6BTD, ARISS TELEBRIDGE OPERATOR STEPHEN/ANCHOR: The ARISS program has lost a ham, who had been a mainstay of its earliest contacts between the ISS and schools. Gerald Klatzko, ZS6BTD, of Parklands, South Africa, became a Silent Key on the 1st of February. Gerald served often in those early years as a radio telebridge operator, providing a direct radio link, so schools could make successful contacts with astronauts, even without an amateur radio operator on site. Gerald Klatzko was 95. ** AM QSO PARTY IS A HIT WITH HAMS STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Hams who participated in an AM QSO Party are among those rediscovering the joys of radio's first voice mode. Kevin Trotman, N5PRE, has that story. KEVIN: Challenging band conditions did not discourage fans of AM from showing up for the annual AM QSO Party, held by the Antique Wireless Association February 15th and 16th. The activity is a celebration of this easy-listening mode, which many hams are rediscovering - or discovering for the first time, regardless of the age of the equipment they're using. According to Ron, W8ACR, who was one of the organizers, many hams said it was their first taste of this operating mode, the original voice mode for amateur radio. Everyone was listening to get W2AN in their log. That's the official call sign of the Antique Wireless Association, which included the station at the AWA museum in Bloomfield, New York, and the station operated by Ron in Knox, North Dakota. Although not all the logs are in yet, Ron said three lucky hams in North America also made at least one DX contact, logging Kevin, M0XLT (pronounce: Em ZERO X L T) from across the Pond. Don't worry: The party's not over. The AWA has other operating events throughout the year, and holds weekly nets. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Kevin Trotman, N5PRE. (RON W8ACR) ** MUSEUM RAISES FUNDS AND RADIO-CONSCIOUSNESS STEPHEN/ANCHOR: Now here's an inventive way to raise money for a museum: help non-radio people learn what radio is all about. Mike Askins, KE5CXP, has those details. MIKE: If you're anywhere near Bellingham in Washington State on the last weekend in February, you might consider joining a celebration of radio discovery, and invention to benefit the SPARK Museum of Electrical Invention. The museum's artifacts need no words to tell the story of the emergence of radio: the collection includes items dating back to the 17th century, through to the Golden Age of Radio. There are Leyden jars, a Hughes telegraph, Edison light bulbs, and early telephones, as well as thousands of radios that include the early "Herzian wave" models. There is also a massive collection of various 19th century electromagnetic devices. The museum is hosting its third annual fundraiser and auction, on the 29th of February, on the campus of Bellingham Technical College. Organizers are calling the program "Ignite the Night", and hope it allows the museum to continue inspiring the next generation of citizen scientists. Perhaps one day, it will be their innovations joining the collection. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Mike Askins, KE5CXP. (SPARK MUSEUM) --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .