Subj : Newsline Part 2 To : ALL USERS From : DARYL STOUT Date : Fri Nov 20 2015 12:42 pm TRYING TIMES IN THE ANTARCTIC [ANCHOR/DON:] Commemorating the 100th anniversary of the World War I landing at Gallipoli has been something of a battle itself for the ham radio station operating out of the Antarctic. Amateur Radio Newsline's Graham Kemp, VK4BB, reports: [GRAHAM'S REPORT]: Sunday, November 22 could be the day - or maybe not the day - for the return to the air of V-I-ZERO-ANZAC from Casey Base in the Antarctic. The station's plan to get on the air has been, like the weather itself, highly changeable. In fact, blame the weather for an earlier postponement that kept the station silent until the weekend of Aug. 29 and 30. V-I-ZERO-ANZAC, part of the ANZAC 100 program of the Wireless Institute of Australia, is marking the centennial of the landing at Gallipoli, Turkey of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. But four generations later, the greater battle has been with blizzard conditions and poor propagation that has challenged operator Doug McVeigh, VK-ZERO-DMV. Getting on the air in August with a 50-watt transceiver, a dipole and a lot of ambition and hope, McVeigh logged only 56 contacts. Still, the station intends to prove itself to be a stormtrooper of quite another sort, especially in this kind of storm. So at 0200 UTC on Sunday, Nov. 22, he intends to try again, beginning on 14.250 MHz. Or perhaps on some other band. Or then again, not at all. But anything is possible, including contact with hams around the world. If you happen to be one of them, send QSL cards via the bureau or using eQSL. McVeigh is hoping this time for a blizzard of contacts instead. For Amateur Radio Newsline, I'm Graham Kemp, VK4BB, of the WIA News in Australia. (SOUTHGATE ARC, ARRL, QRZ) ** WINTER FIELD DAY: GETTING IT DOWN COLD The snow is expected to be somewhat gentler and less of a problem in other parts of the world for participants in Winter Field Day, which is just weeks away. The Winter Field Day Association has announced the annual event will be held the weekend of Jan. 30 and Jan. 31, 2016. The event's website says it all, declaring: QUOTE "We believe, as do those entities of ARRL Organizations like ARES and RACES, that maintaining your operational skills should not be limited to fair weather scenarios." ENDQUOTE As with the annual summer Field Day, the outreach on the air will be a worldwide effort. The goal is to encourage emergency preparedness under winter conditions. All modes may be used and all bands, except for 12, 17, 30 and 60. For additional details on how to prepare for the event, visit the website, - And dress warmly. ** OREGON ARES OUSTER Oregon's Office of Emergency Management has severed its ties with the head of the Oregon Amateur Radio Emergency Service - but not the emergency group itself. According to published reports, the ARES chief, Vince Van Der Hyde, K7VV, had asked that the group's volunteers not take part in a Nov. 12 emergency drill the state had planned, because he found the state's equipment, and its advance notice to volunteers, insufficient. That action apparently is what caused the split. Despite the rift between Van Der Hyde and the state, the ARRL's Oregon Section Manager, Everett Curry, W6ABM, has since confirmed that Oregon ARES/RACES will still work with the state's Office of Emergency Management. On Nov. 16, a statement from the OOEM/ARRL Oregon Section stressed that emergency management's relationship with Oregon ARES/RACES continues. (ARRL) ** THE WORLD OF DX If all you want for Christmas DXing this year is a Special Event holiday QSL card from the Netherlands, Dutch amateur Raymond Smit, PD7DX can help. He's working Special Event Station PD15XMAS from December 5 through January 1, in the spirit of the holiday. He will be active on 7, 14 and 28 MHz on HF as well as 2 meters and 440 MHz. Elsewhere, Daniel, DL5YWM, is working in Crete as SV9/DL5YWM until November 25. QSL to his home call sign. In Liberia, Donald, EL2DW, is working from Monrovia until December 17, and can be found on 20, 15 and 10 meters using SSB. QSL via KD4UDU in Florida. Peter, DL1RPL, and Soren, DL3RKS, are activating two Indian Ocean islands. They will be on Mayotte Island through Nov. 25, working as FH/DL1RPL, and FH/DL3RKS, respectively. Beginning Nov. 27 and through Dec. 3, they will be on Reunion Island, active as FR/DL1RPL and FR/DL3RKS. They will operate on the HF bands, 20 through 10 meters, mostly on CW, with some SSB. Peter will also operate on 2m and 440 bands EME using WSJT65 and CW. Send QSL cards via DL1RPL. And a few stations will be marking the 90th anniversary of the IARU, with special stations: Special event station JT90IARU will be working from Mongolia until the end of 2015. QSL via JT1KAA. Likewise, members of the Malta Amateur Radio League are working as 9H90IARU. QSL via 9H1SP. And special event station EV90IARU is in Belarus. QSL direct via EW1I. Finally, members of the Radio Club D'Haiti are working as HH90IARU. QSL via operators' instructions. --- BgNet 1.0a12 - The Thunderbolt BBS Little Rock, AR .