Subj : ARRL DX Bulletin To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Thu Jan 19 2017 06:57 pm SB DX @ ARL $ARLD003 ARLD003 DX news ZCZC AE03 QST de W1AW DX Bulletin 3 ARLD003 From ARRL Headquarters Newington CT January 19, 2017 To all radio amateurs SB DX ARL ARLD003 ARLD003 DX news This week's bulletin was made possible with information provided by QRZ DX, the OPDX Bulletin, 425 DX News, The Daily DX, DXNL, Contest Corral from QST and the ARRL Contest Calendar and WA7BNM web sites. Thanks to all. MALTA, 9H. Special event station 9H2017EU is QRV until June 2017 to mark the 2017 Maltese European Union Presidency. QSL direct to 9H1SP. WEST MALAYSIA, 9M2. Rich, PA0RRS is QRV as 9M2MRS from Penang Island, IOTA AS-015, until the end of January 2018. Activity is on 40 to 10 meters using CW, RTTY, JT65, JT9 and some SSB. QSL to home call. TONGA, A3. Tack, JE1CKA, Miho, JJ2VLY, Yutaka, JQ2GYU and Hiro, A31MM will be QRV as A35W and A35NN from Tongatapu Island, IOTA OC-049, from January 24 to 31. Activity will be on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. This includes being an entry in the upcoming CQ World Wide 160 Meter CW contest. QSL A35MM and A35NN via JJ2VLY. GUADELOUPE, FG. Jean-Pierre, F6ITD is QRV as TO7D and FG/F6ITD from La Desirade Island, IOTA NA-102, until March 9. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and various digital modes. QSL to home call. HONDURAS, HR. Jesse, KB2OBQ is QRV as KB2OBQ/HR1 from Tegucigalpa for the next few months. Activity is with QRP power on 40 and 20 meters. QSL via operator's instructions. MONGOLIA, JT. Khos, JT1CD is QRV as JT1CD/3 from Umnudelger Soum Village until January 21. QSL to home call. SLOVAK REPUBLIC, OM. Special event station OM42KYSUCE is QRV until the end of June 2017 during the context of the 42nd ARDF Kysuca Cup that will be held on June 16 to 18. QSL via OM3CND. CURACAO, PJ2. Jeff, K8ND, and Jim, W8WTS are QRV as PJ2/K8ND and PJ2/W8WTS, respectively, until February 1. They plan to be active as PJ2T in the upcoming CQ World Wide 160 Meter CW contest. QSL PJ2/K8ND via K8ND, PJ2/W8WTS via W8WTS, and PJ2T via W3HNK. IVORY COAST, TU. Operators Bertrand, DF3FS, Norbert, DJ7JC, Emil, DL8JJ and Heye, DJ9RR will be QRV as TU5MH from January 22 to February 2. Activity will be on 80 to 10 meters using CW, SSB and RTTY. QSL via DJ5BWD. CANADA, VE. Members of the Eureka Amateur Radio Club station VY0ERC will be QRV from Eureka, Ellesmere Island, IOTA NA-008, beginning January 22 until early April 2017. Activity will be when conditions allow. QSL direct to M0OXO. FALKLAND ISLANDS, VP8. Dave, VP8CLE and Carol, VP8DKW are QRV from Bleaker Island, IOTA SA-002, from January 23 to 30. Activity will be mainly on 160 and 80 meters, as well as the higher bands depending on conditions, using CW, SSB, RTTY and PSK. QSL direct to G1OCN. BURKINA FASO, XT. Hugolin, XT2HB has been QRV on 20 meters from around 0750 to 0830z. QSL contacts made beginning January 1, 2017 via F5MVB. INDONESIA, YB. Leo, YC9MLL will be QRV from Flores Island, IOTA OC-151, on January 21, 22, and 24. Activity will be mostly on 15 meters, but also on 40 and 20 meters using SSB. QSL via M0OXO. VANUATU, YJ. Minekazu, JA2NQG, Yuji, JH2BNL and Shigehiko, JI2UAY are QRV as YJ0WW, YJ0AA and YJ0FM, respectively, until January 23. Activity is on 160 to 10 meters using CW, SSB, RTTY and FM with three stations active. QSL via operators' instructions. ASCENSION ISLAND, ZD8. Steve, WB4GHY is QRV as ZD8SC until January 22 while on work detail. Activity is on 80 to 10 meters using SSB as time permits. QSL to home call. CAYMAN ISLANDS, ZF. Stan, K5GO will be QRV as ZF9CW from January 22 to February 23. Activity will be mainly on 160 meters, with a focus on the upcoming CQ World Wide 160 Meter CW and ARRL DX CW contests. QSL direct to home call. THIS WEEKEND ON THE RADIO. The ARRL January VHF Contest, North American SSB QSO Party, The NCCC RTTY Sprint, QRP 80-Meter CW Fox Hunt, NCCC Sprint CW Ladder, LZ Open CW Contest, Hungarian DX Contest and the Feld Hell Sprint are all on tap for this upcoming weekend. The SKCC CW Sprint, NAQCC 160-Meter CW Sprint, QRP 40-Meter CW Fox Hunt, Phone Fray, CWops Mini-CWT CW Test and UKEICC 80-Meter CW Contest are all scheduled for January 25. Please see January 2017 QST, page 85, and the ARRL and WA7BNM contest web sites for details. NNNN /EX Posted by VPost v1.7.081019 .