Subj : Callsign Updates To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Tue Feb 04 2020 06:08 pm Amateur Radio Callsign Update for the U.S. and its territories, from the FCC as of Feb. 3, 2020. These are in "sequential" format, and do not necessarily include "vanity callsigns". Data is from the HamData.Com website at -- so, check that, in case typographical errors are in this message. In some regions, all the sequential callsigns have been issued, so other callsign groups are being noted as well. The first 2 entries for regions 0 through 9 are for Technician or General class licensees (starting with a K), and then for Amateur Extra Class licensees (starting with an A). The regions are noted as per Appendix 2, in Part 97 of the FCC Rules. Note that, eventually, the FCC will no longer accept Social Security Numbers on an NCVEC Form 605 -- one will have to obtain an FRN from the FCC CORES website PRIOR to going to a license exam session...or they will NOT be able to take the license exam. Some VE Teams ALREADY REQUIRE an FRN at the exam session; check with your local VE Team before exam day. Also, some VE Teams may have a way for you to obtain an FRN at the exam session (i.e. via a laptop computer and Wi-Fi connection), but that's NOT guaranteed. An informative New Users Guide on getting started with the Universal Licensing System (ULS) is at: You can get an FRN and password at this URL, and it'll help you get your license faster. You will have to provide your Social Security Number to get an FRN. Once you have the FRN, is yours FOR LIFE...even if your amateur radio operator license lapses (is expired more than 2 years). Once you have the FRN, do NOT use your Social Security Number on the NCVEC Form 605, or the FCC will reject the form, delaying processing of your amateur radio license. Note that the FCC no longer mails out licenses, and you'll need to supply an email address on the NCVEC Form 605. Lastly, current amateur radio operators requesting a callsign change, or new amateur radio operators, must answer "The Felony Question" on the NCVEC Form 605, stating whether or not you've been convicted of a felony in state or federal court. A "YES" response is NOT an automatic disqualification, but it depends upon the circumstances surrounding the conviction. Details are available on the back of the form, available at: You will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader to view/print the file. Note that any NCVEC Form 605's dated PRIOR to September, 2017 are INVALID, and will NOT be accepted by the FCC. *** Region 0: Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota and South Dakota KE0ZDE AE0IJ KI0TL *** Region 1: Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, and Vermont KC1MPA AC1IW KE1MT *** Region 2: New Jersey and New York KD2TKC AD2AA *** Region 3: Delaware, District Of Columbia, Maryland, and Pennsylvania KC3OUZ AC3FJ KF3EU *** Region 4: Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia KO4BOD AK4ZZ KX4WV *** Region 5: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Texas KI5HZY AG5XZ KM5ZM *** Region 6: California KN6HHS AJ6NP KR6GI *** Region 7: Arizona, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Oregon, Utah, Washington, and Wyoming KJ7MDI AG7YZ KK7ZP *** Region 8: Michigan, Ohio, and West Virginia KE8NVW AD8FL KI8KX *** Region 9: Illinois, Indiana, and Wisconsin KD9OSU AC9WN KG9RK *** Hawaii WH6GHK AH6VS Alaska KL4ZL AL3T AL7RY WL7CYJ Northern Marianas KH0ZY WH0ACE Guam NH2NA AH2EI American Samoa KH8E AH8Z WH8ABM Virgin Islands NP2TK KP2CZ Puerto Rico WP4RJZ WP4HD --- SBBSecho 3.10-Win32 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS - (801:1/2) þ Synchronet þ Temple of Doom BBS - .