Subj : Does anyone still use CB To : kk4qbn From : Daryl Stout Date : Wed Dec 21 2016 03:35 pm Tim, k@> I believ emost of it is'nt even collected, in one case a guy local to k@> me (Rnggold GA) has been fined multiple times, never paid the fines, k@> never forfeited any eqipment, never went to jail? "I Think" they finaly k@> took his liscence away.. We like to foxhun these fools.. One though was k@> found, he was completely accidental, his hid was setting on the mic, k@> and he close to a repeater site and so his intermod was keying the k@> repeather too, we foxhunnted his simplex xmit freq. One of the neat things about ham radio is that we are "self policing". Now, if they screw up on the air...once is an accident, twice is questionable, and more than that, they should know better. Nothing that a little Elmering won't cure. k@> was a fun game... There are big DFing competitions each year on those "fox hunts". At one local hamfest years ago, the "fox" was under the main table at hamfest central. k@> we pretty much try to keep the N GA area clean and keep the FCC away :) I've seen those cars with scores of about a mobile lightning rod!! Daryl .... Are cranberries healthy?? I never heard one complain. --- MultiMail/Win32 v0.50 .