Subj : ecwebv4 To : echicken From : Android8675 Date : Tue Feb 09 2016 06:24 pm Re: ecwebv4 By: echicken to Android8675 on Mon Feb 08 2016 02:00 pm ec> Thanks. It's not 'ecwebv4', but it doesn't really have a name yet. You can ec> get it here: ec> ec> Bug reports are welcome here, on Dovenet, or as an Issue on GitHub. ec> Feature requests will be met with prejudice and due consideration. Beautiful, and you have a game interface, thank gawd. Only feature I can think of would be an option to use, I don't know the security risks with using the ftelnet embedded version, but I got it working a while ago and I like it, especially because my uplink speed is shit. -A. .