Subj : echicken BBS To : metalhead From : echicken Date : Tue Oct 06 2015 11:15 pm > I don't think you talk very much in message bases, and that's understandable. But let me ask the question that you have already been asked a dozen times: What's up with the chicken? Is there something I'm missing? I love it, but I can't say that I get it, if there's something to get? I guess I don't post to message bases that often, but messaging is actually my main area of interest when it comes to BBS stuff. That said, I find most of the general and topical message areas either boring or irritating to read, so I stick to discussing BBS stuff. I used BBSs quite a lot from around 1994 to 1999-2000, but strayed away after that. In early 2008 after roughly eight years of intermittent BBS use and lurking, I decided to set up a board of my own. Originally I used Mystic BBS, I think because it reminded me of Renegade and Telegard which I had messed around with in the past. I liked "art" boards with lots of ANSI, and thought it would be funny to eschew the typical grim, ghoulish artwork in favour of something sillier. Chickens, being my favourite animal and food, became the theme. My board never became all that well decorated, but that was how it started. I believe I was already using 'echicken' as an alias around then, or something similar, so that played a part as well. Just a silly name I picked on a whim. Beyond that, there's not much to 'get' about the chicken thing. Like many of my jokes, it only amuses/makes sense to me. > Are you familiar with the guitarist named Buckethead? He has some chicken issues goin on. He's against mistreatment of chickens, and so am I. He wears a KFC bucket on his head that says "Funeral" or something like that, and he's a guitar genius, so I'm thinking you are kinda like the Buckethead of BBSs? Your games are genius, at least in the BBS world they are. I have never heard of this person, however I am also opposed to the mistreatment of chickens and animals in general. But I am not on some animal-rights campaign, and I don't think I'd choose BBS-land as my medium if I were. :D Thanks for your comments about my games. I am not big on gaming myself (BBS or otherwise) but I enjoy creating them once in a while. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 .