Subj : Thanks! (was: Usurper) To : echicken From : KenDB3 Date : Wed Oct 14 2015 02:56 pm Re: Thanks! (was: Usurper) By: echicken to KenDB3 on Mon Oct 12 2015 10:44 pm ec> The bulletin feed is, unfortunately, not included, but I can make it ec> available if it's wanted. It's very simple, and just pulls messages out of ec> the message base that my "Bullshit" bulletin lister users. I think that by itself is pretty awesome as a form of dynamic "front page" content to the BBS. Especially opposed to a static html file. ec> Re: blog engine, it's something that I've thought about and plan on doing ec> some work on at some point. I might again use a message base for storage, ec> and allow for comments in the form of replies to the original message. ec> Synchronet could then just handle permissions, user registration, etc. for ec> you. I would just need to think about ways to allow for "rich" content in ec> postings, because I suspect people would want to be able to include ec> pictures, etc. in their blog posts. (The answer might just be "use HTML".) HTML would make sense. Could another possibility be something like the mark up language used in something like phpBB boards? Not that I can imagine how that would work on the Terminal side of things... maybe a custom reader for that section of the text BBS. Which sounds like more work... that I couldn't really do if I tried... lol. But just tossing ideas out ;-) .