Subj : Thanks! (was: Usurper) To : KenDB3 From : echicken Date : Wed Oct 14 2015 06:12 pm > HTML would make sense. Could another possibility be something like the mark up language used in something like phpBB boards? Not that I can imagine how that would work on the Terminal side of things... maybe a custom reader for that section of the text BBS. Which sounds like more work... that I couldn't really do if I tried... lol. But just tossing ideas out ;-) Some sort of 'bbcode' or markdown is what I was initially thinking. HTML might just be easier to implement. A custom reader for the BBS would be necessary in order to strip this stuff out, and probably to enforce certain things to keep the message threads intact. Things get tricky when you start looking at including images, etc. in articles. The sysop would either have to go out of their way to put the images somewhere on their webserver, then use an tag or whatever in their article pointing at that location, or it could be done via file attachments to the message (and then some sort of bbcode like [img:filename.jpg] that points at a particular attached file.) Anyway, it's something that I'll probably get to eventually. Just need to wait for some day when I feel interested enough to work on it. (I'm getting there.) --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 .