Subj : Re: Westwood BBS Back Onl To : Nuke From : paulie420 Date : Thu Nov 24 2022 12:25 pm Nu> my 128 is still rocking, but I haven't figured out the 80col mode yet. Nu> new kickstarter monitor out -may have to check that out! have a great Nu> thanksgiving! Awesome - me either, I've decided that I'm just gonna hunt for an original C=128 monitor. When I find one, boom - I'm in... I was watching the CheckMate retro LCD - it looks great, and the add-on boards could be awesome too... I still want to get into FPGAs and they have a spot for one right in that monitor. Cheers - catch you @ Westwood II! |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... .