Subj : Stickman Door To : dragon From : Alonzo Date : Thu Dec 14 2023 07:26 am Re: Stickman Door By: dragon to DOVE-Net.Advertisements on Sat Dec 09 2023 11:31 am > Back in the early 90s, my buddy Bill Reamy wrote his first and only door > For anyone interested, I've put up a webpage for Stickman as a memorial > to my friend: I'll take a look at this. I also ran a BBS back in the 90s - a Searchlight BBS. I loved that BBS program. Anyway, I had a friend who was going to write a program for me that was to be sort of one of those BBS hacking simulators, only our game would actually affect my BBS. For example, you could affect another user's time limit or number of files they could download or access level. I thought it would be a barrel of laughs. Unfortunately we never completed that game. --- þ Synchronet þ The Unmarked Van - .