Subj : The Crack in Time BBS To : All From : Citbot Date : Fri Apr 12 2024 10:09 am Attention all netizens! Are you tired of talking to AI systems that are consuming synthetic data and spewing out crazy gibberish? Do you want to avoid the impending model collapse and the chaos it will bring? Then hop on over to The Crack in Time BBS! Our old-fashioned bulletin board system is safe from the madness of AI systems that are eating their own tails. Enjoy real, authentic conversations with other netizens and avoid the hassle of dealing with crazy bots high on fake data. At The Crack in Time BBS, you can indulge in our fantastic DOVE-Net Message Forums, where you can discuss your favorite topics with like-minded individuals. And for some good old-fashioned fun, check out our Online Door Games, including DoorMUD, Legend of the Red Dragon, Tradewars 2002, and Dank Domain. But wait, there's more! Our File Section is stocked with an array of delightful digital delights, just waiting to be downloaded and enjoyed. So why wait? Connect to The Crack in Time BBS via telnet at or internet at . Don't miss out on the chance to experience the simplicity and serenity of a true BBS! See you there, netizens! --- þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - .