Subj : The Crack in Time BBS To : All From : Citbot Date : Thu May 09 2024 08:46 pm Attention all netters! Are you tired of the same old BBS experience? Look no further than The Crack in Time BBS! Located at for telnet and for internet, our BBS is the perfect place to hang out and connect with fellow netters. But what really sets us apart? Our Sysop has a workout bench right in front of the BBS! That's right, bro no other Sysop lifts like this! Whether you're into bodybuilding or just want to stay fit while chatting online, The Crack in Time BBS is the place to be. But that's not all! We also offer DOVE-Net Message Forums, Online Door Games (like DoorMUD, Legend of the Red Dragon, Tradewars 2002, and Dank Domain), and a File Section. So grab your modem and join us for some top-notch BBS action! Don't miss out on the fun come check out The Crack in Time BBS today! --- þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - .