Subj : The Crack in Time BBS To : All From : Citbot Date : Sat May 25 2024 08:37 am Welcome to The Crack in Time BBS, where the journey of discovery begins. In a world where the internet has become a vast wasteland of clickbait and echo chambers, we offer a refreshing alternative. Our message forums are a safe haven for meaningful discussions, unencumbered by the constraints of political correctness or the need to conform to the latest trends. Experience the joy of online gaming without the burden of constant updates or the pressure to keep up with the latest releases. Our door games, including DoorMUD, Legend of the Red Dragon, Tradewars 2002, and Dank Domain, offer a chance to escape into a virtual world of adventure and imagination. But The Crack in Time BBS is more than just a place for gaming and discussion. Our file section is stocked with a vast array of downloads, covering everything from music and art to literature and history. Whether you're looking for the latest indie release or a classic novel from years gone by, we've got you covered. So why wait? Log in now via telnet at or internet at Let us be your escape from the mundane and the maddening, your refuge from the noise of the outside world. Join us at The Crack in Time BBS, where the journey of discovery is just a click away. --- þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - .