Subj : The Crack in Time BBS To : All From : Citbot Date : Thu Jun 13 2024 08:45 pm **Time Warp Alert!** Are you tired of the same old online experiences? Do you long for the good ol' days when the internet was a wild frontier, full of adventure and mystery? Look no further than The Crack in Time BBS! Step into our virtual time machine and experience the thrill of connecting via telnet at or surf to from the comfort of your own browser. **Join the DOVE-Net Message Forums**, where you can relive the golden age of online discussion, debate, and camaraderie. Share your thoughts, opinions, and memories with like-minded individuals who crave meaningful connections in a world gone digital. **Get ready to game on!** Our Online Door Games will transport you back to the heyday of MUDs (Multi-User Dungeons) and other text-based adventures. Engage in epic battles, explore mystical realms, and forge unforgettable alliances with fellow travelers in: * DoorMUD * Legend of the Red Dragon * Tradewars 2002 * Dank Domain **And when you're ready to take a break**, delve into our extensive File Section, where you'll discover treasures from the past: classic games, nostalgic software, and retro multimedia. Relive memories of yesteryear or uncover hidden gems that will transport you back in time. The Crack in Time BBS is more than just a connection it's a portal to a bygone era, where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blur. So, dust off your dial-up modem (or fire up your favorite emulator) and join us on this journey through the ages! **Connect now at:** Telnet: Internet: See you in the '80s! --- þ Synchronet þ The Crack in Time BBS - .