Subj : Re: Looking for a box To : Brian Rogers From : Nightfox Date : Fri Sep 24 2021 08:43 pm Re: Re: Looking for a box By: Brian Rogers to poindexter FORTRAN on Fri Sep 24 2021 03:23 pm pF>> I have a perfectly workable, old-school receiver and CD player. What pF>> I'm looking for is a box that plays MP3s and/or internet stations pF>> like Pandora, that I could plug into my stereo. BR> A Pi would be a tad difficult to use a CD player on. Almost any older box BR> would be fine! There's some Dells on eBay you can grab that'd actually be BR> a bit overkill but great bang for the buck! From what he said, I think he already has a CD player for his stereo. It sounds like he's asking for something to plug into his stereo that would play MP3s and stream online music/audio. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .