Subj : MIDI Controller To : Belly From : Phigan Date : Fri Aug 05 2022 07:48 am Re: MIDI Controller By: Belly to unixl0rd on Thu Aug 04 2022 03:51 pm > Any software that lets you add VST (or other) synth plugin modules would be > good to play with. LMMS is a good start, as is Reaper > Personally, I do all of my music production in Reason, mainly because of the I've also mostly used Reason and the other Re-suite programs with MIDI.. But at the time I was doing it, FruityLoops was becoming a thing. Do you know if FruityLoops Studio Producer or whatever it's called these days supports MIDI and such? I heard it became all you really need to make music. It works with VSTs, iirc. --- þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO .