Subj : Re: Russia's Endgame To : MRO From : Moondog Date : Wed Oct 12 2022 05:57 pm Re: Re: Russia's Endgame By: MRO to Nightfox on Wed Oct 12 2022 01:17 pm > Re: Re: Russia's Endgame > By: Nightfox to MRO on Wed Oct 12 2022 08:02 am > > > Re: Re: Russia's Endgame > > By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Tue Oct 11 2022 08:46 pm > > > > MR> the uk and the european union are both after microsfot for anti trus > > MR> issues. and it's been an ongoing thing since windows 95 atleast > > > > Back when the anti-trust case against Microsoft was happening in the US i > > the late 90s, I was hoping they'd split up Microsoft like they proposed, > > it didn't happen. > > > > well i believe they wanted to split off the browser and also they complained > > it would be a pretty lame split if they did it because of that. My understanding is the earliest version of Win95 shipped without any form of browser, and Netscape's browser was the clear successor. By shipping IE with the OS, it gave IE a clear advanrage because most basic users would use what the OS shipped with. Same applied with taking business away from the media player software manufacturers. The most software publishers, it felt like MS crossed the line between being the OS provider and application provider. Natgeo had a good documentary a few years back about the battle btween Netscape and MS. plus stories of other sites that failed because their ideas wer ahead of their time. A large problem was figuring how to gather telemetry and monetize accordingly with it. --- þ Synchronet þ The Cave BBS - Since 1992 - .