Subj : Why did Putin blow up his To : Dumas Walker From : Ciffi Date : Sat Nov 05 2022 05:56 am Re: Why did Putin blow up his By: Dumas Walker to DAITENGU on Fri Nov 04 2022 04:58 pm The Biden administration clearly said some months ago, that they will take care of North Stream 2 when russia goes further into Ukraine. As part of the NATO war games involving many war (freedom) ships from all nations, and also US ships of course in the sea below Norway it would have been an easy thing to plant some explosives to parts of the pipeline North Stream 1 AND 2 without anybody taking further notice, as the "practices" all were laid out in combat simulation plans. On top of this the US government recently said, that they do not wish further investigation on the pipeline incident. What else do we need to clearly see who's taking profit of such an action? Uh right.. the US is selling fracking gas to the EU, so besides their political interest, there is also monetary interest. - And of course it's always a good thing to make it's allies depend on oneself to bind their interests to the US ones. Russia and their interest is NOT not to sell stuff to the EU. They depend on the income. So why would they blow up their money source? German government said themselves that they do not want to take russian gas, even though Russia was still supplying gas throuth North Stream 1. Now that the germans are no longer buying russian gas (and nowdays even can not do so, even if they wish to), the russians sell their stuff to other countries. Like for instance China and India. It needs to be said here especially that the US government "asked" the german government NOT to make use of the (back then) finished and ready-to-use North Stream 2 pipeline. Of course the germans were US-friendly (and dependend) enough to do exactly that: By no means get the cheap gas through North Stream 2 (even though building that thing costed billions..). Instead the german government came to the conclusion to buy gas from numerous sources... including China and India. Germany had long-lasting contracts with RU and also special conditions. Now with these new customers (China and India) the russian side is selling their gas for more profit to these new customers.. and in the end Russia even GAINS compared to before! So.. as usual german politicial thinking did exactly the opposite what it was supposed to do.. and Russia is now making better profit than ever before. The german government is now getting gas from China and India, because it is not russian gas, as they say.... but it is the same stuff, they bought from russia before. Apparently it's good enough to buy russian gas from our friends and not from Russia directly. As a side note... of course when resellers are in between, they add their price on top... so Germany did not do anybody any good... not even themselves. Nobody knows why Germany is so self-destroyingly depending on the US. And german people (as usual) only talk, but never do anything... bowing to the government. Let's hope history will not repeat.. : ( Mathias --- þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - - Fredericksburg, VA USA .