Subj : Re: Y'all or Ya'll? To : Margaerynne From : Arelor Date : Sat Jul 29 2023 10:08 am Re: Re: Y'all or Ya'll? By: Margaerynne to Arelor on Thu Jul 27 2023 10:36 pm > You /can/ spend four years learning rigorous mathematics yourself, but why not benefit from professionals who came before you? I'd buy more education myself if it was actual education instead of just papers. THe problem is that when you buy formal education you are buying a program somebody designed which may not be what you want it to be. Add to it that the goal of the University is to raise more funds and you start seeing perverse incentives. The University is not going to teach you how to be an Engineer in three years if they can split Engineering in modules they can sell separatedly and keep youyet moar years in it. This applies to both public and private Universities - because public UNiversities benefit from having students. End result is you getEngineering turned into a degree plus a master plus an universitary extension course plus a... you get the idea ANd you end up loaded up with papers who tell the world how great you are but you don't know the difference between a carburettor and an IPN-500 beam becausenobody ever cared to show you EITHER. Also known as the effect "I heve learnt more Electrical Engineering trying to fix my home appliances with Internet tutorials than at college". The whole premise of the model is flawed and we need to burn it down with a flame thrower so we can wipe the ashes aside and rebuild. THey had it figured it out in the middle ages already. If you wanted to become an engineer, you got an Engineer to teach you and you assisted him as an apprentice. THe resoult of ENgineering for a long time with a guy who knows Engineering is learning a lot of Engineering. Who would have guessed? (And yes I am sore because the University here trashed the Equine Hospital and now the closest one is quite far away) -- gopher:// --- þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .