Subj : Re: Russia's Defeat To : Kaelon From : hollowone Date : Wed Aug 02 2023 06:00 am Ka> This is certainly the hope, but I think we've seen signs that Eastern Ka> European countries, but especially Hungary, and even potentially Poland Ka> (with its Law and Justice party), are being pushed out of the European Ka> mainstream given that their behavior is rightly judged as Ka> anti-democratic. Remember that Austria, Romania, and Bulgaria all had Poland is not authoritharian but ruled by conservatives who live more with American sentiment about how country should be organized in several fundamental aspects, which of course in socialistic EU, so driven by WOKE, it is a problem. Another problem with Poland and EU is that the current gov wakes up the sentiment about Poland being HQ of Central Europe driven alliances, not Germany. Three-Seas Alliance from Baltics to Greece is part of that program that can create European Union within European Union that is big enough to counter-balance German and French ambitions to have solo role in setting standards. And if that fails and 3-seas succeeds that alliance is about 250M people with growing domestic markets and being critical in the supply chain between East and West and being alternative factory for US/Western Europe if China rebels so they have economic argument to show German and French Standards a middle finger. Poland positions itself as interests should be more important than cultural values, Nobody in Poland wants other countries be more like Poland culturally, so nobody should tell Poland what the local culture should be. As long as everybody is only focused on business we don't care but just like nobody should tell Americans if they should have guns at home or not but other Americans.. the biggest mistake EU tries to make is to Germanize Poland's goals and ambitions, instead of partnering up... That mistake will most likely come out with another EU-exit by 2050 if that counterbalance as internal force to reform EU fails as strategic campaign. -h1 .... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy. .