Subj : Re: Russia's Defeat To : Arelor From : hollowone Date : Wed Aug 02 2023 01:21 pm Ar> You know, the problem with the EU is, in my opinion, that it has stopped Ar> being a trade agreement and started being a trans-national government. Ar> Ar> It would not be *that* bad if European institutions weren't the place Ar> where National political parties park their failed politicians. Bonus Ar> points because many agencies within the European Union are composed of Ar> unelected officers, so you end up having a bunch of unelected people Ar> generating proposals and directives for EU members, and people tends not Ar> to like that. That's true.. I don't like it. I believe Brussels is just one big waste of tax payer money and recent corruptions only adds to that. And these folks are teaching my country what the democracy is. We lost independence because we were way more Democratic that these idiots will ever be. And one more reason why I believe EU like any union.. most likely and eventually will die. The only chance for EU to stay for hundreds of years is actually the federalization and it wants to become one... but the way its approaching the challenge is just not gonna work. I'd rather like to have another war with Germany than following current principles of EU mindlessly. Especially that these times that would be only an economic war and hard to isolate at regional level. -h1 .... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy. .