Subj : 2020 Summer of Love To : MRO From : Bf2k+ Date : Thu Jun 06 2024 03:40 am Re: 2020 Summer of Love By: MRO to Dumas Walker on Wed Jun 05 2024 10:18 pm > 2020 and 2021 seen like one big year to me. > things were crazy and stayed crazy in se wisconsin for that time period. Same in Richmond VA where the local gov't allowed the delivery of pallets of bricks into various locations around the city and allowed a bunch of bussed-in morons to destroy parts of the city with no consequences. For this reason, I do not venture into the city anymore and they get none of my tax dollars... my only means of protesting the idiot gov't... but I am not alone. Many feel the same and do the same. And I only miss dining at one restaurant... --- þ Synchronet þ TIRED of waiting 2 hours for a taco? GO TO .