Subj : Re: 2020 Summer of Love To : Bf2k+ From : Dr. What Date : Fri Jun 07 2024 07:24 am -=> Bf2k+ wrote to MRO <=- Bf> For this reason, I do not venture into the city anymore and they get Bf> none of my tax dollars... my only means of protesting the idiot Bf> gov't... but I am not alone. Many feel the same and do the same. Same for us in Grand Rapids, MI. We don't go into the city anymore. Bf> And I only miss dining at one restaurant... All the good restaurants are gone in Grand Rapids. Either damaged in the "riot" in 2020 or not enough paying customers. Many years ago, my wife and I did a little walking tour of the city. We went down an area that at one point was obviously a prosperous area, but now run down. I did some research on that area and found that the area was near the riots back in the 1960's. It never recovered. Some businesses never came back. Others left permanently. Still others closed as the business traffic stopped. .... The wise open their minds, but a fool opens his mouth. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 þ Synchronet þ ** The Gate BBS - Shelby, NC - ** .