Subj : Re: oh man joe biden To : PAULIE420 From : Dumas Walker Date : Thu Jul 04 2024 09:16 am > DW> They didn't mass mail everyone but apparently some states did decide to > DW> mail every registered voter, which is wrong. In my state, you had to > DW> request the mail-in ballot. I only did so for the primary. I thought > DW> the general was too important not to go in person. > Texas - I moved away from there 5 years ago; my ex-GF got a mail-in that she > could have filled out and mailed in... sure, I'm just one person - but I bet > theres millions just like me????? Yes. Some states sure did do it, but I am a little surprised that mostly Red Texas did it. Then again, they did have unmanned drop boxes in some areas so maybe I should not be at all surprised. :( IIRC, one of the participants in the FIDO POLITICS echo, who lives in New York, also received an unsolicited ballot. I think he also sometimes posts here on Dovenet. Here in Kentucky, we only received material telling us how to request a ballot. > DW> What is wrong with sending to every registered voter? Well, when they > DW> sent out the info about obtaining a ballot, I got a postcard for me, for > DW> a previous resident who now lives out of state (and had for 10 years), > DW> and for the original resident who had been dead at least 15 years. > Because I moved away from my ex-GFs house 5 years ago; and she received a > ballot for Biden/Trump 2020... sure, I'm just one guy right? Wrong. Add in all > the people that aren't me. And all the people that are. And all the families > with some person who wanted to vote this way or that; its stupid. ID - go to > your polling station and vote. Just like is has been for 250 years. Stupid, > IMO. My question was rhetorical. :) I agree they should not, and said why. I believe that most states are like mine and don't keep their voting rolls cleaned up, which means if they'd sent out the unsolicited ballots they'd have sent a bunch of live ballots out to persons who can no longer legally vote (moved away, dead, etc.). > DW> Being an honest individual, I sent mine back to get a primary ballot, and > DW> sent the other two back indicating their status. > How many AREN'T you - more than you, I'd think... I am certain of that. > DW> They way they handled the mail-in, especially in some places, was indeed > DW> BS. There should never, ever be an unmanned polling place, like a drop > DW> box out in the open, where someone can drop off votes. > Agree - I thought you were on the other side from previous quotes. :P No, I like what my state did. They didn't send ballots to everyone, only those who requested them, but that was not perfect because they send out the request materials to everyone on the rolls, including people who should no longer be on them. That is how I know that two other former residents were still on their rolls. I like that my state did away with "everyone can mail in" voting in a timely fashion, reverting back to the old absentee rules, but kept the additional in-person voting because now no one can complain that they didn't have a chance to vote. I believe that is much, much better than places that leave the polls open, but only in certain areas, for several hours later on election night. I also like that, to my knowledge, they've never attempted the unmanned polling drop box idea that other states have tried. * SLMR 2.1a * Someone blew out his pilot light. --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .