Subj : Re: superhero shit To : MRO From : hollowone Date : Sun Sep 03 2023 12:01 pm MR> Is everyone pretty much DONE with superhero movies and tv shows? MR> It's like the zombie shit they played out years ago. MR> MR> and now they are trying to milk starwars. MR> MR> SAD! I agree and I'd indeed feel sad unless I've ignored it and keep trying to find and watch my own movie niches. I don't trust brands and hype.. brand + hype brought together is something I distrust and watch later if anyhow.. But you're totally right. Marvel, SW is like that Zombie shit when postapo tv series triggered in and Hollywood followed with Z and stuff.. I liked the new D&D movie though, I liked Stranger Things over past few years, Witcher on Netflix isn't that bad.. watchable. Wednesday too. I watch some pop-culture orientated documentaries that were recorded max 10 years ago, like the one about Aliens, Teenage Turtles Ninja creators or He-Man story connecting toys, animated series from the 80s and the backstage considerations for the movie with Dolph Lundgren. You have to be picky and curious to find good movies these days, they are rarely those that are advertised most. But that just makes it more interesting and apparently, old fashioned ;) -h1 .... Xerox Alto was the thing. Anything after we use is just a mere copy. .