Subj : mostly likely smallest record shop in Toronto To : Nightfox From : Ogg Date : Sun Dec 24 2023 12:40 pm Hello Nightfox! Og>> N> That link says it's an online business. If that's the N> case, there may be enough interested customers around the N> world to give him enough business. Yes.. originally on-line. But now, he's opened up a storefront for walk-ins inaddition to maintaining an online channel that most other storefronts have as well. I see that Resolute has embraced Shopify to get online. That starts at $50/mo + they take up to 4% of the credit card processing fee on a sale. The vinyl-flattening service is probably a nice add-on to the biz. Having encountered a few warped LPs myself, I could certainly see that a $20 session might be worth it for a scarce/favorite record. Still, the $40+ prices of NEW vinyl and the market of people who would expend such money for an LP mystifies me - especially if the same recording can be had for $20 or less as a CD. A CD clearly has more dynamic range, no clicks/pops, no need to flip the media around, and multiple pieces can be queued to play in any order. --- OpenXP 5.0.57 * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9) þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .