Subj : Video rental store to shu To : Dumas Walker From : Nightfox Date : Wed Apr 03 2024 10:49 am Re: Video rental store to shu By: Dumas Walker to MRO on Wed Apr 03 2024 08:42 am DW> That is something else about the streamers I know who claim it is DW> cheaper... they are not factoring in the delivery costs, i.e. the internet DW> which, for cable TV watchers, is usually bundled in. Since they are DW> paying for that separately, they don't count it either. I use the internet for a lot of things, so I wouldn't necessarily count it as a cost for a streaming service. I'm going to have internet service regardless of whether I use a streaming service or not. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .