Subj : Magazine Subscriptions To : Arelor From : Ogg Date : Wed Apr 17 2024 06:07 pm Hello Arelor! ** On Wednesday 03.04.24 - 02:42, Arelor wrote to Margaerynne: A> Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine is very hit and miss. It virtually A> has no heroic or high fantasy (to be honest, barely any publication does). A> I don't think you can't go very wrong with this one, but to be honest, A> with the ammount of story submissions they get (in the order of 700-900 A> per month) I suspect they could be publishing better stuff.[...] A> The Asimov magazine, it pains me to tell, is junk. As in, you could not A> pay me to be published there. [...] A> The Grantville Gazettes deserves a special mention. They used to have an A> annex section in which they would publish fantasy and scfi military A> fiction. I never got to read it but I remember them buying stories that A> were quite average and passing on very good stuff. [...] Hmmmm.. sounds like it might be time for you to fill the void and give the good material that others are passing up on an audience. ;) --- OpenXP 5.0.58 * Origin: Ogg's Dovenet Point (723:320/1.9) þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .