Subj : more walmart stuff To : Nightfox From : MRO Date : Wed May 22 2024 10:31 pm Re: more walmart stuff By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Wed May 22 2024 07:45 pm > Re: more walmart stuff > By: Digital Man to MRO on Wed May 22 2024 04:44 pm > > DM> Yes. My local Walmart has 2 sections of self-checkout lines/kiosks > > DM> and > DM> one of those sections has never been open any time I've been there > DM> (over several months, at least). > > I used to live near a Wal-Mart that added some self-checkout lanes, but > > they > later removed them. I'd heard in the news that theft at self-checkout lanes > was going up, which may be why some stores in my area had removed them. > > Nightfox There's some multipack items at walmart where the individual items are coded for single sale in the system but they never are in the cases up front. water and sports drinks. I think a lot of the theft happens there. They are also shutting down neighborhood walmarts around me because they say they aren't money makers. I've always seen tons of people at walmarts. I think theft is HUUUUGE due to bidenomics/build back better. --- þ Synchronet þ ::: - free BBS services ::: .