Subj : Re: If you play, what is your To : Mike Dippel From : Ciffi Date : Thu May 23 2024 02:07 pm Re: Re: If you play, what is your By: Mike Dippel to Ciffi on Wed May 22 2024 12:20 pm Hi Mike! o/ > Very nicely played. I subscribed to your channel and await more. Oh! Thank you : )) - Which one did you listen to? Of course more will follow, but takes time of course. Lots of update releases for existing songs (adding to playlists), and of course new songs too. Got a new and nice one in the pipeline, which still needs some polishing. I suppose it'll take another week. I'm always open for hints like "try to play this and that at minute X" or "you need to work on your precision hitting the keys" (which acutally still kills me in fast songs >_<), and the lot. In fact I've got another new song in the pipeline, but somehow I cannot complete it without fingers slipping, which leads to an odd sound. I cannot upload that yet (even though it says first try on the first "release" of a specific song).. hmm.. Can you suggest a specific practice to become more precise? I've also listened to a couple of your videos, and found them very composed and nicely played. - Very calm in each situation. (Even though you've got even more keys to press hehe :D) Thank you for your time Mike! : ) - Have fun playing too. : )) Cif --- þ Synchronet þ Diamond Mine Online BBS - - Fredericksburg, VA USA .