Subj : Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p To : Ravne From : MRO Date : Fri May 24 2024 07:56 pm Re: Re: Fwd: Girls got chip p By: Ravne to Denn on Fri May 24 2024 10:17 am > We talk here about wanting to appeal to more people, but then we allow > people to make it feel hostile. The days of you older straight white men > being the majority are ending, we need to appeal to those that are becoming > the majority. If I hadn't been into BBSing in the mid 90s & had other women > helping me feel welcome back then, there's probably no way I'd be here now. The day of the older straight man is coming back. For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Liberals have ruined the planet with their pedophilia. Men with breast implants twerking for toddlers. drag queens groomers reading stories to children. Soon God emperor trump will rise to fight the antichrist. We will all join him and 'grab the pussy'. --- þ Synchronet þ ::: - free BBS services ::: .