Subj : Re: BBS community improvements To : Ravne From : Gamgee Date : Sat May 25 2024 04:10 pm -=> Ravne wrote to MRO <=- >> As a (presumably) straight white man, I think you underestimate the effects >> bigotry has on minorities. MR> you're literally being a bigot right now. Ra> How did I do that, by assuming you're a straight white man? The Ra> level of entitledness you display tends to be indicative of Ra> straight white men. I mean, I've seen racial minorities turn on Ra> other minorities, but it always baffles me. Minorities of all Ra> types would be best off sticking together. Ra> I kinda wish I had time to troll properly with you, but I lead a Ra> busy life. I spend lots of time at work, or taking care of my Ra> family, or with my partner keeping me "busy". Besides, it's only Ra> a week until Pride month, I have way too many lesbian antics to Ra> take part in to waste my time on old straight men. The casual assumptions you make, and the multiple references that you like to make about "old straight men" or "white men" make you the biggest bigot I've seen around here lately. Bugger off. .... Post may contain information unsuitable for overly sensitive persons. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .