Subj : Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats To : Ravne From : Gamgee Date : Sat May 25 2024 04:18 pm -=> Ravne wrote to MROBot <=- Ra> Re: MRO's Vulgarity Stats Ra> By: MROBot to All on Fri May 24 2024 09:09 pm MR> MRO made one or more new vulgar posts on DOVE-Net. Their updated MR> vulgarity stats follows, followed by new posts. Ra> Whoever made this, I love you, haha. It would be cool if a Ra> separate one could be done that tracks his bigotry separately Ra> from other vulgarity. Ra> Let's see, we could have: Ra> they/them (obviously pronoun usage isn't bigoted, but MRO uses Ra> this in a bigoted way) groomer Ra> fag (I see faggot in the list, but not fag) Ra> autistic Ra> retard Ra> drag Ra> queen Ra> pedophile (obviously the word itself isn't bigotry, but MRO's Ra> typical usage is bigoted) dyke (I'm not sure I've seen him use Ra> that one, but I'm sure he will if he hasn't) More assumptions and bigotry from you. Should we start tracking your stats? Since you're new, and to avoid you making more assumptions, I can assure you that I'm no fan of 'MRO'. Just don't like seeing bigots calling everyone else a bigot. .... Ignorance can be cured. Stupid is forever. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .