Subj : Re: The Millionaire from To : Nightfox From : paulie420 Date : Mon May 27 2024 02:00 pm Ni> > So who was the Millionaire? Ni> Ni> He was someone who liked to try to start conversations and his comments Ni> and topics tended to be fairly simplistic. Other times, he seemed to Ni> misunderstand some things. He also kept saying he planned to run a Ni> Synchronet BBS and seemed ro have a lot of interest in text.dat. His Ni> conversation style seemed to annoy some people. LOL - him & that text.dat business!! IIFC, he connected from an iPad/tablet and enjoyed requesting 'features' from team Sync that didn't really matter or make much sense... I always remind myself that you don't know who the other BBSer is on the other side of the terminal - many different people, from many different walks of life. I think DOVENet was one of Millionaires last community holdouts - and any conversation was better than none, from his end. |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... .