Subj : Re: morgan spurlock dead To : Dumas Walker From : poindexter FORTRAN Date : Tue May 28 2024 07:41 am -=> Dumas Walker wrote to MRO <=- DW> I could understand someone a lot younger not having a clue, but it DW> surprised me a little that someone so close in age never learned about DW> either of those events. I couldn't imagine any journalism major not watching "All the President's Men". Although "journalism" probably doesn't mean investigative journalism any more. I could imagine a marketing "influencer" thinking of themselves as a journalist. There's a great book called The "Dictionary of Cultral Literacy" that every young adult should have - it has a quick precis of events and items that people should know about and why they're important. From the description: In this fast-paced information age, how can Americans know what's really important and what's just a passing fashion? Now more than ever, we need a source that concisely sums up the knowledge that matters to Americans -- the people, places, ideas, and events that shape our cultural conversation. With more than six thousand entries,The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy is that invaluable source. Wireless technology. Gene therapy. NAFTA. In addition to the thousands of terms described in the original Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, here are more than five hundred new entries to bring Americans' bank of essential knowledge up to date. The original entries have been fully revised to reflect recent changes in world history and politics, American literature, and, especially, science and technology. Cultural icons that have stood the test of time (Odysseus, Leaves of Grass, Cleopatra, the Taj Mahal, D-Day) appear alongside entries on such varied concerns as cryptography, the digital divide, the European Union, Kwanzaa, pheromones, SPAM, Type A and Type B personalities, Web browsers, and much, much more. .... Change specifics to ambiguities --- MultiMail/Win v0.52 þ Synchronet þ .: :: scientia potentia est :. .