Subj : BBS community improvements To : Accession From : Ravne Date : Tue May 28 2024 09:13 pm Re: BBS community improvements By: Accession to Ravne on Tue May 28 2024 09:46 pm R>> I'm alive, so obviously I didn't "make the ultimate sacrifice" for my R>> country. I'm a veteran though, so don't you dare suggest I don't know what Ac> No mention of it whatsoever, though. Instead, you insist on pushing Ac> another agenda entirely, and putting people down if they don't have the Ac> same views as you do. Are you talking about me not mentioning what I did for Memorial Day? Unfortunately I had to work & my partner had a long medical appointment to go to, so we weren't able to do anything special. You're the one that brought up Memorial Day when I mentioned Pride. Why would you assume I have disdain for 1 just because I promote the other? You come across like you assume I hate our country & that's not true at all. I can hate what some of our citizens are doing without hating the ideals of our country. --- þ Synchronet þ Raven of the Storm .