Subj : BBS community improvements To : Accession From : Ravne Date : Tue May 28 2024 09:43 pm Re: BBS community improvements By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 09:13 pm Ac>> No mention of it whatsoever, though. Instead, you insist on pushing Ac>> another agenda entirely, and putting people down if they don't have the Ac>> same views as you do. I love /s how my desire to have the same rights as straight people is considered an "agenda" & how my desire to not be murdered is considered my "view". That's really all Pride is about, our demands (you're damn well right, we DEMAND) to be safe & have the same rights as everyone else, including the right to fair jobs access, fair housing, everything that straight people expect for themselves. Pride is about normalizing our existence in the world, not about trying to "shove our views in everyone's face". I don't see it now, but you said something about me going about trying to get my point across the wrong way. Am I? I don't know that I agree with that opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to convince anyone here of anything, I'm really not sure why I even keep responding. Except, maybe there's an LGBTQ person out there that's been afraid to come out & maybe seeing my posts will help them be less afraid. Second, I could care less about being a "good gay", the ones that make sure to cave to the desires of straight people, to make sure they don't cross that line of what's acceptable to y'all. Have you ever heard the analogy of not thinking the leopards would ever eat MY face? That's what happens to "good gays", eventually the people they're putting on a good show for turn on them too, once they've gotten what they need from them. And no, don't pull out some shit about "you're saying all straight people are leopards that are going to eat the faces of gay people", the leopards eating faces are straight people that pretend to support gay people just long enough to try to get us to let our guards down. --- þ Synchronet þ Raven of the Storm .