Subj : BBS community improvements To : Ravne From : Arelor Date : Wed May 29 2024 05:06 am Re: BBS community improvements By: Ravne to Accession on Tue May 28 2024 09:43 pm > I don't see it now, but you said something about me going about trying to > get my point across the wrong way. Am I? I don't know that I agree with that > opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to convince anyone Your strategy consists in antagonizing everybody who does not belong to your chosen group, which is a very bad strategy. When people realizes you are dividing society in a group consisting of "you" and a group consisting of "everybody else" and notices you are waging war against the second, they may decide it is worth it to build up a political defense to annihilate you before you annihilate them. And yes, you are waging war against "everybody else" despite your claims to the contrary. Your words ooze hate and resentment. You may attempt to sugar coat it but it does not work better than a nazi saying he has some non-white friend somewhere. There is also the point that rainbow politics are far beyond achieving human rights for homosexuals. It is just convenient that demands for equal human rights can be used as a cover. Meanwhile you have homosexuals supporting politicians who also support religious zealots that would have homosexuals killed, which comes to show word-soup politics is not necessarily related to homosexual rights. ie. there are political agendas and interests and a bunch of them aren¨ t pretty. -- gopher:// --- þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .