Subj : Re: BBS community improvements To : Ravne From : fusion Date : Wed May 29 2024 11:13 am On 28 May 2024, Ravne said the following... Ra> I love /s how my desire to have the same rights as straight people is Ra> considered an "agenda" & how my desire to not be murdered is considered Ra> my "view". That's really all Pride is about, our demands (you're damn Ra> well right, we DEMAND) to be safe & have the same rights as everyone Ra> else, including the right to fair jobs access, fair housing, everything Ra> that straight people expect for themselves. Pride is about normalizing Ra> our existence in the world, not about trying to "shove our views in Ra> everyone's face". this has to be a joke. easily the largest source of violence against your community is from within. domestic violence is huge .. why do you hate each other? everything you read will say the violence is perpetrated by a "partner" .. what sort of parter do you expect a gay person might choose? everyone is so desperate to make it seem like random straight guys are going around beating up gay (or trans or whatever) people for fun. do you know how hard it is to find modern recent examples of "gay bashing" like you want to fearmonger? wikipedia, the source for all things bullshit, repeatedly will use wording like "in some countries" and other vague wording.. do you know how large the USA section of the Violence against LGBT people page is? And half of it is COPE about "ohh, it's because nobody reports it" .. and you know what happens when you lot have nothing to complain about in the US? "well, it's still happening somewhere on the planet!" .. it gets even more annoying when it's like "this homeless gay person was robbed! gay homeless people are more likely to be robbed! like 95%!" .. imagine i robbed 100 people and 5 of them were gay.. a perhaps generous estimate of the % of people in the US who are gay.. do you see how that skews that statistics? almost every homeless person gets robbed. holy cow all the homeless gay people got robbed, we have to do something about this violence against queer people! then you keep getting at how "words are violence" .. you repeatedly lump the word "fag" in with "pedophile" and "groomer" the first is an insult against a trait that can't be changed.. a part of who you are, as some people insist. but the second two it's obvious you would want to defend against. but if you remove the second two we have the two options here: "fag" <-> "straight white men" these are traits that can't be changed, and your usage is meant to degrade and demean. do you make fun of the handicapped? perhaps people with speech impediments? bash a few redheads now and again? these are now both traits protected under the Civil Rights Act btw.. but talking about progress is lame right? Ra> with that opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to Ra> convince anyone here of anything, I'm really not sure why I even keep Ra> responding. Except, maybe there's an LGBTQ person out there that's been Ra> afraid to come out & maybe seeing my posts will help them be less afraid. i know why you keep responding.. because that's exactly what you came here for. you're like those people who on their first day joining twitter are trying out their hand at some bullshit trolling only to be dunked on by a bunch of spergs with anime avitars. you didn't want to be a part of this community, which is why you set yourself apart from it in the beginning. "if it wasn't for a few BBS women back in the day who told me everything will be okay because you're a woman" .. fuck off. i was going to ask if you wanted a parade for that, but that's exactly what you want. Ra> leopards eating faces are straight people that pretend to support gay Ra> people just long enough to try to get us to let our guards down. --- this is mental illness. if you're afraid of people like this. fear of what's around every corner. --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A47 2021/12/25 (Windows/32) * Origin: cold fusion - - grand rapids, mi .