Subj : Re: BBS community improvements To : fusion From : Gamgee Date : Wed May 29 2024 04:28 pm -=> fusion wrote to Ravne <=- fu> On 28 May 2024, Ravne said the following... Ra> I love /s how my desire to have the same rights as straight people is Ra> considered an "agenda" & how my desire to not be murdered is considered Ra> my "view". That's really all Pride is about, our demands (you're damn Ra> well right, we DEMAND) to be safe & have the same rights as everyone Ra> else, including the right to fair jobs access, fair housing, everything Ra> that straight people expect for themselves. Pride is about normalizing Ra> our existence in the world, not about trying to "shove our views in Ra> everyone's face". fu> this has to be a joke. easily the largest source of violence fu> against your community is from within. domestic violence is huge fu> .. why do you hate each other? everything you read will say the fu> violence is perpetrated by a "partner" .. what sort of parter do fu> you expect a gay person might choose? everyone is so desperate to fu> make it seem like random straight guys are going around beating fu> up gay (or trans or whatever) people for fun. fu> do you know how hard it is to find modern recent examples of "gay fu> bashing" like you want to fearmonger? wikipedia, the source for fu> all things bullshit, repeatedly will use wording like "in some fu> countries" and other vague wording.. do you know how large the fu> USA section of the Violence against LGBT people page is? And half fu> of it is COPE about "ohh, it's because nobody reports it" .. and fu> you know what happens when you lot have nothing to complain about fu> in the US? "well, it's still happening somewhere on the planet!" fu> .. fu> it gets even more annoying when it's like "this homeless gay fu> person was robbed! gay homeless people are more likely to be fu> robbed! like 95%!" .. imagine i robbed 100 people and 5 of them fu> were gay.. a perhaps generous estimate of the % of people in the fu> US who are gay.. do you see how that skews that statistics? fu> almost every homeless person gets robbed. holy cow all the fu> homeless gay people got robbed, we have to do something about fu> this violence against queer people! fu> then you keep getting at how "words are violence" .. you fu> repeatedly lump the word "fag" in with "pedophile" and "groomer" fu> the first is an insult against a trait that can't be changed.. a fu> part of who you are, as some people insist. but the second two fu> it's obvious you would want to defend against. but if you remove fu> the second two we have the two options here: fu> "fag" <-> "straight white men" fu> these are traits that can't be changed, and your usage is meant fu> to degrade and demean. do you make fun of the handicapped? fu> perhaps people with speech impediments? bash a few redheads now fu> and again? these are now both traits protected under the Civil fu> Rights Act btw.. but talking about progress is lame right? Ra> with that opinion. First of all, I have no delusion that I'm going to Ra> convince anyone here of anything, I'm really not sure why I even keep Ra> responding. Except, maybe there's an LGBTQ person out there that's been Ra> afraid to come out & maybe seeing my posts will help them be less afraid. fu> i know why you keep responding.. because that's exactly what you fu> came here for. you're like those people who on their first day fu> joining twitter are trying out their hand at some bullshit fu> trolling only to be dunked on by a bunch of spergs with anime fu> avitars. you didn't want to be a part of this community, which is fu> why you set yourself apart from it in the beginning. "if it fu> wasn't for a few BBS women back in the day who told me everything fu> will be okay because you're a woman" .. fuck off. i was going to fu> ask if you wanted a parade for that, but that's exactly what you fu> want. Ra> leopards eating faces are straight people that pretend to support gay Ra> people just long enough to try to get us to let our guards down. --- fu> this is mental illness. if you're afraid of people like this. fu> fear of what's around every corner. BRAVO!! BRAVO!!! I purposely quoted this entire message because I like it that much. Spot on accurate! Jesus I'm so freakin tired of the drama-assholes like the recent one we have here. Also known as trolls; hopefully to be gone soon. Again, well written and thanks! .... Post may contain information unsuitable for overly sensitive persons. --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 þ Synchronet þ Palantir BBS * * Pensacola, FL .