Subj : after reading a lot of the recent conversations in here... To : Fluid From : kk4qbn Date : Thu May 30 2024 12:56 pm Re: after reading a lot of the recent conversations in here... By: Fluid to All on Thu May 30 2024 10:50:42 Fl> does anyone else feel like they are watching people become "boomery" in Fl> real time? like, i see people's hornery old-age coming out more and more Fl> as the days go by. i am not singling anyone out here... i am about to turn Fl> 50, ffs... i am sure i fit the term "boomery" in some regard. if you feel Fl> this is related-to or directed-at you, there is probably a reason for Fl> that. ;) lol.. this is the bbs world.. we are all already boomers, or well on our way, but most of this type of conversation was going on when we were kids back in the 90's too :) A lot of us just have not "Evolved" beyond that :-) Fl> btw, i am pretty new here... welcome to me. yay. Welcome! --- Tim (kk4qbn) +o þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA .