Subj : after reading a lot of the recent conversations in here... To : kk4qbn From : Fluid Date : Thu May 30 2024 02:12 pm Re: after reading a lot of the recent conversations in here... By: kk4qbn to Fluid on Thu May 30 2024 12:56 pm > lol.. this is the bbs world.. we are all already boomers, or well on our > way, but most of this type of conversation was going on when we were kids > back in the 90's too :) A lot of us just have not "Evolved" beyond that :-) i mean, technically boomers were the generation before us... i just see more and more of us acting more like them. i think a lot of that "this kind of conversation was happening back in the 90s" thing was the literal boomers. i remember being asked to call into a radio show by a "tech talk" type of guy... we were talking about viruses, hacking, all of the things a lot of us were doing back then, and an older man called in. during his call-in and the discussion with myself, the host, and the man he said, "i think you should be publicly maimed", based on what he was hearing us talk about. he had no concept of what the point of hacking or our discussion was. anyway this is already getting long. during that call there was mention of his handle... and low-and-behold, i started noticing posts of his after seeing his name. a lot of the things i see people posting now are pretty much the same things he was posting then. i guess i just dont understand how so many people never rose above that type of thinking...or how so many people fall into it as they age. > Welcome! thanks much! --- þ Synchronet þ Post "Midlife-crisis" Crisis .