Subj : after reading a lot of th To : Dumas Walker From : Fluid Date : Fri May 31 2024 01:04 pm Re: after reading a lot of th By: Dumas Walker to FLUID on Fri May 31 2024 09:34 am > Boomer actually refers to persons in the Baby Boom generation. If you are > about to turn 50 then you are not in that generation. That said, if you > are acting like your parents you might be acting like a boomer. ;) Oh I know what "boomer" means, and I know that I am definitely GenX. That is why I said "boomery" to draw a parallel to how some people act nowadays -- in direct relation to how our parents acted as those of us who were born to boomers. A lot of the older people on BBSes back when I was a kid had these same kinds of "troll-esque" discussions. I just don't understand the point of some of it. I always had a lot of fun with it. > Welcome! Thanks! --- þ Synchronet þ Post "Midlife-crisis" Crisis .