Subj : Leaving it up to Dovenet: To : Dumas Walker From : Nightfox Date : Sat Jun 01 2024 10:56 am Re: Leaving it up to Dovenet: By: Dumas Walker to JAS HUD on Sat Jun 01 2024 10:20 am DW> When someone upvotes or downvotes a message, I get a notification when I DW> log onto my board and it tells me who voted. I have heard others talk as DW> if you can also be reading the message and have a way to list who has DW> voted. Digital Distortion Message Reader has an option (only for sysops) to show the tally information, which will show who voted on it (but currently doesn't show if they made an upvote or downvote). Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .