Subj : after reading a lot of th To : Ravne From : Nightfox Date : Sat Jun 01 2024 04:39 pm Re: after reading a lot of th By: Ravne to Nightfox on Sat Jun 01 2024 03:59 pm Ni>> It's like schoolyard bullying. I'd expect that kind of behavior from Ni>> middle school kids & younger, and it's sad to see a grown adult behave Ni>> this way. When I see an adult behave that way, I want to just roll my Ni>> eyes and move on. If it's an attempt at humor, it's not funny. Ra> Is MRO the type to say something awful & then when people respond saying Ra> they were hurt instead of thinking it was funny, he says "I was just Ra> joking"? Yes, I've seen him do that before, basically. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .