Subj : Leaving it up to Dovenet: To : MRO From : Nightfox Date : Mon Jun 03 2024 03:15 pm Re: Leaving it up to Dovenet: By: MRO to Digital Man on Mon Jun 03 2024 03:48 pm MR> i dont know much about the voting, i've never really been a fan of it. MR> if you look above i made a req for it to be used locally on the bbs. If you want local voting with Synchronet, you could just allow voting/polls in a local sub-board. MR> I dont know if 'slyvote' is the same as your qwk voting or if those are MR> two different things. SlyVote is a voting booth door in JS for Synchronet that displays polls & their results and allows users to vote on them, as well as post new polls. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: .