Subj : Smoking To : NIGHTFOX From : Dumas Walker Date : Sat Jun 08 2024 10:34 am > >> summer. smoked marlboro reds every day. > DW> That will unfortunately do it. > When I was in 5th grade, I remember the class having an assignment to make som > mock advertisements to promote health and not doing unhealthy things. I > remember one of the students drew a graveyard with "Marlboro country" written > below it. Back in the day, before my time (I am over 50), they promoted cigarettes differently. In some cases, I believe that consumers were even lead to believe they might be healthy. By the time I came along, there was already some PSA advertising, especially from the American Cancer Society, about how smoking could kill you. They had not yet got to promoting the dangers of second-hand smoke, or smoking while pregnant, but they'd at least got as far as it could kill you. I had a lot of relatives, but none I lived with, that were life-long smokers at the time. It was really difficult for them to even consider stopping. What surprised me was how many people my age, and slightly younger, who picked up the habit despite the dire warnings. It surprises me even more now that cigarette smoking seems to be making a comeback. * SLMR 2.1a * {COMMO} + DESQview + '486 = Happy Camper --- þ Synchronet þ CAPCITY2 * * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP .