Subj : Routers that work well wit To : MRO From : Accession Date : Sun Jun 09 2024 11:35 am Hello MRO, On Sun, Jun 09 2024 15:33:20 -0500, you wrote: M> I think they are thinking only about themselves (not intentionally) and M> think they in the same environment as a one on one chat. That's possible. But in this case, there may actually be something wrong. M> I guess this guy said something about people complaining about his ">" , M> which is pure bullshit. Two messages before the one I'm replying to, was from you to "all". There, it seems as though when you quoted the text it wrapped the ">" characters into the rewrapped quoted text. Here is one of the paragraphs you quoted: " >I suspect that for people who were already adults and working " " professionals in >the 1970s and 1980s when BBS'ing as a hobby took off, " " they are now in their >80s and 90s, if not older, and we'll continue to " " see the same sort of trickle >of long goodbyes. " Don't quote that again, as it will mess up even more, but there is definitely something wierd happening somewhere. Let's figure out what the actual problem is, and get it fixed. Most of us aren't trying to harp on anyone, or put them down. Personally, if something is indeed broken, let's figure it out and get it fixed! Regards, Nick .... Take my advice, I don't use it anyway. --- slrn/pre1.0.4-9 (Linux) * Origin: _thePharcyde distribution system (Wisconsin) (723:1/1) þ Synchronet þ _thePharcyde telnet:// (Wisconsin) .