Subj : Re: Routers that work well wit To : Gamgee From : kk4qbn Date : Mon Jun 10 2024 08:08 am Re: Re: Routers that work well wit By: Gamgee to kk4qbn on Sun Jun 09 2024 21:01:00 Ga>> Hahaha, so you're not only an "entitled" n00b, but clueless about most Ga>> everything. I see. Okay. kk>> what keeps making you think I'm a n00b?? I was on dovenet before the best kk>> part of you run out your moms mouth.. keep telling Ga> Yeah, real classy comment. You're making yourself look good here. I don't care how I look to you or people like you.. You formed your opinion of me that day you errantly told me I was wrong in a message thread myself and a developer was having about his software that had not a damn think to do with you. then when you were proven wrong, you were still so full of yourself that you just let the conversation kinda "go" away without a oh I'm sorry or screw you or anything.. I don't have a need to prove myself to people like you anymore.. Now I just live to piss people like you off, and I know the right buttons to push.. Einstein.. thats a good name for you.. since you know everything about.. well everything... wow you're just so unfoulable.. I bet your crap don't stink either. I was always taught not to hate the person, just to hate their ways. I try so hard to stick to those teachings, unlike some people I was raised with some dignity and to treat others as I'd like to be treated, but people who act like you just really bring the worst out of me. I will continue to troll you until either you go away or you just filter me, or I get kicked off DoveNet, but hey Rob lets people like you and MRO stay on here with the crap yall do to others, so I don't worry about that much.. (nothing against you Rob, I know exactly why you don't ban people) free speech is a good thing. So um.. until next time.. Take Care.. kk>> maybe you can before you get too old too.. then you'll be just like your kk>> best bud MRO, At first I thought you to be pretty cool because you were kk>> arguing with him.. Then it did'nt take too long to realize you're just kk>> like him.. "Birds of a feather".. Ga> If you think me and MRO are "best buds", you're *FAR* more clueless than Ga> previously thought. Dumb and dirty, both. I only call you Best Buds because you act just like him, You are a bully who is too full of himself to ever be wrong about anything, even though you are wrong a good bit, Just Like he Is. Hell yall are Twins.. Call Me Dumb and Dumber all you want with anyone around here.. I don't care.. I'd rather be Dumb than to be an egocentric twit. Being dumb can be changed by a little education and I learn something new everyday. Egocentric Jerks like you never change and you end up dying lonely in some basement somwehere vacuming cheetos out of your keyboard. As I said earlier.. Take care. --- Tim (kk4qbn) +o þ Synchronet þ KK4QBN BBS - - Chatsworth, GA USA .